I swore I'd never be one who liked to shop, but it's happened.
I'm not a mall shopper though. Sure, I love to look through department stores, and some of the smaller boutiques for ideas about fashions, and for any amazing deals I might find.
But my real love of shopping comes from exploring thrift and resale stores,
places where I can find brand name items at bargain prices that my low budget can handle,
while maintaining a somewhat current sense of style and breathing life into my wardrobe.
This weekend was truly the weekend for successful shopping.
My church held their annual rummage sale, which has always been my jeans shopping spot. At $2 a pair, it's hard to find a better deal.
Hard, but not impossible.
By shopping at the rummage sale on the last day (Saturday), the organizers were trying to get rid of merchandise. Enter the bag/box sale. Brown papers bags are $1 for everything you fit inside, and boxes as marked, with $2 - $6 box sizes possible.
Even though the items were fairly picked over, I still managed to come away with some awesome items!
In all, I walked away with:
3 Pairs of Jeans
1 pair of Capri's
1 pair of jean shorts
4 awesome belts
A green poncho
A pair of flannel PJ pants
8 shirts
A couple books
A wide barrel curling iron.
For $2. Ultimate shopping score.
To top it off, I also did a little thrifting at Salvation Army, and found some great summer items too!
Granted, it was no $2 score, but definitely a good day of shopping.
I love finding nice summer clothes that don't have plunging necklines, so I can move about comfortably in whatever situation - picnics, evenings out, shopping, lunch/dinner dates, errands, etc.
And these jean bermuda shorts are quickly becoming a favorite!
I'm always looking for new places to thrift, and while not everywhere has clothing that fits my interests, I'm always willing to try!
My Top List includes:
- Stuff! Etc
- Goodwill
- Salvation Army
- The Loft (in Ames)
- Rummage Sales
- Garage Sales
Where do you do your thrift shopping?
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