Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hello Blogging World

Let me start by being completely honest: I never liked the idea of a blog.

I felt like everyone, their mother, brother, grandpa, (ok maybe not) and their dog had a blog. And I refused to join. Plus, I have had enough trouble keeping a journal. Who's to say I'll update this blog weekly? Monthly? YEARLY?

I promise now though, I'm going to give it a try! Over time, I've warmed to the idea of a blog. Instead, I'm excited to start blogging (and actually a little nervous!). I've never been a huge writer, which seems contradictory since I'm a double English Major at Iowa State University. But if I'm going to ask my students to write, then I should know how to write too. Who knows, maybe it'll be therapeutic to get some thoughts out into the world.

So I guess this is my outlet for writing. For sharing ideas. Thoughts about my day. Stories from my childhood,  the events of a Midwest life, the news I find interesting or important. You know, personal stuff.

For now, I'm just happy it's almost the weekend. I'm looking forward to relaxing and getting some homework done on Friday afternoon, so I can be free to enjoy my family all day Saturday!
Let's just say I'm blessed with a loving family.

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